Alexa Lane | Dance Science and Wellness
Dance Conditioning | Holistic Counseling
Many conventional personal care products contain chemicals that may be harmful to your health, cause allergic reactions or respiratory issues. While many of us think about detoxing our bodies from unhealthy food and substances, we may not think about what we are putting on our skin each day. To help get you started on cleaning up your skincare routine, I listed ingredients to avoid in my free eBook, Grace Spirit Beauty.
You may download it here Download my Clean Beauty Book
A few chemicals to avoid are:
Once you toss your old products out, you will probably need to purchase new, clean beauty essentials. Below is a short list of skincare and makeup basics.
For a lovely selection of clean beauty products, visit!
Makeup Expiration Dates
Your makeup and skincare does not last forever! To keep your skin healthy and vibrant, pay attention to expiration dates and throw away your expired makeup and skincare.
Below are the standard expiration dates: