Alexa Lane | Dance Science and Wellness
Dance Conditioning | Holistic Counseling
When I speak to people about moving towards a whole food plant based diet the response is often “it makes sense, but the idea of it is overwhelming,” “how do I get started,” “how would I get adequate nutrition, specifically protein or calcium” or “do you have recipes.” The truth is that you can put aside meat and dairy and get all of your nutritional needs met on a whole food plant based diet. In fact, the American Dietetic Association states “that plant based diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.” The key to gaining all of the benefits of a plant based diet is to consume a variety of whole, unprocessed plant based foods.
Plant Based Protein
Protein is a macronutrient that is made up of amino acids and used to build and repair tissues. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t need nearly as much protein as we are led to believe. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. That translates to 8-10 % of your daily calories. To find your specific requirement, divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 to convert it to kilograms then multiply by 0.8.
Additionally, research conducted by Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. John Mcdougall, and Dr. T. Colin Campbell, all leading authorities on plant based nutrition, suggests that protein requirements are less than the RDA. Further, excessive amounts of protein, may tax the kidneys and cause calcium loss from the bones.
Getting your protein needs met is very easy on a plant based diet. The best protein sources are unprocessed and found in vegetables, beans, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. In general, soy and other plant concentrates are best limited in the diet or just avoided altogether. These are often found in frozen “meat substitute” products.
Plant Protein Rich Meal Ideas
Beans are incredibly versatile. When you mash beans up you change the texture and create a great base for plant based burgers, patties, and sauces. They are inexpensive and varied in both flavor and texture. Although concentrated proteins are to be avoided, tempeh, tofu and seitan (wheat gluten) are all lightly processed and are very versatile protein and carbohydrate sources used in moderation.
Plant Based Calcium
Calcium is a nutrient that is important for bone health. Plant based food sources that are rich in calcium are green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach or collard greens, and beans. If calcium is a concern for you, it’s interesting to note, the absorption of calcium is higher in most leafy greens and plant foods than in dairy products without the added fat or potential allergens. For example, a quarter cup of raw green soybeans has as much calcium as about a half a cup of 2% milk.
Additionally, there are plenty of plant based dairy alternatives that are fortified with calcium. Beyond nutrition, one of the best ways to build strong bones is through weight bearing exercise, especially in adolescence.
Complex Carbohydrates as a Foundation for Meals
Here is a myth buster for you: Carbohydrates are not the enemy. Carbohydrates are a compound made of simple sugars and are the main energy source of the cells. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Complex carbohydrates are the healthiest choices found in grains, legumes, potatoes, fiber, fruits, and starchy vegetables. Simple carbohydrates such as fructose, table sugar, lactose, and refined white grains should be limited or avoided. If you are sensitive to gluten, here are few gluten free grains to try: amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, oats, quinoa, sorghum, teff, and rice. You may also like bean pasta.
When preparing a meal, let complex carbohydrates be the foundation of the dish. These foods will provide satiety and the energy the body needs.
Low Fat versus High Fat
Fat is a macronutrient and is needed in the diet. Currently, fat is such a hot topic in discussions regarding nutrition that there is a lot of confusion. Questions usually center on, how much fat and what kind? Certainly, you can get all the fat your body needs from plant based sources.
In regards to how much fat, we advocate for a low fat, whole food approach. With that idea in mind, all oil and pure fat products are man-made and have no nutritional value. For example, whole olives, soybeans, and corn contain many nutrients, but the oil made from these foods is mostly fat. Meaning there is no nutritional benefit to adding oil to your food beyond adding extra fat and calories. In general, a tablespoon of oil adds about 120 calories to meals. Our suggestion is to consume the whole food and limit or exclude oil from your diet.
In terms of the kinds of fats that are required for health, we need to consume two types of essential fatty acids called omega-3 and omega-6.
The body can synthesize all other types of fat, but our diets need to provide these two. Plant based sources for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids include flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, leafy vegetables, and beans.
Enjoy the recipes below as a delicious, healthy, and light cleansing menu. The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals will help you feel and look beautiful inside and out.
Power Berry Smoothie
Blend until smooth and Enjoy!
Kale Salad
Kale is loaded with health-promoting goodness. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, K, and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Try this delicious Raw Kale Salad and fat-free dressing. Enjoy!
Fat-Free Dressing:
Lentil Barley Soup
I recommend making a large pot of soup and freezing the extra. This soup is low fat and very satisfying. It is a meal in itself or you may serve it with a side of vegetables or salad.
Cooking Directions: