Spiritual Practice


Numerous research studies suggest the benefits and healing power of prayer. In simple terms, prayer is communication with God or the Divine Source. Through prayer, you may send healing thoughts to loved ones, offer gratitude, discover a purposeful direction, or seek spiritual insight. 

The physiological benefits of prayer include:

  • Stress reduction
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Relaxation
  • Help with alleviating depression and anxiety


The purpose of meditation instruction is to decrease mental activity. It is the practice of transitioning from external awareness to an internal, quiet state. Practicing meditation enables you to start to experi­ence pure consciousness or “the space between two thoughts.” We are usually unaware of this space due to our constant mental activity, but by directing our mind towards stillness and quiet, we can slip into this space. This mental state is an expanded state of unlimited potential and connection to our true self. Numerous studies have measured the physical and psychological benefits of meditation which include the enhancement of neuroplasticity: the brain’s ability to form new neural connections.

The Benefits of a Meditation Practice Include:

  • Lowered stress, blood pressure, and heart rate
  • Increase in serotonin and dopamine
  • Decrease in cortisol and norepinephrine
  • Increased memory, clarity, creativity, compassion, and understanding
  • Emotional regulation: Increase in positive emotions and a decrease in painful emotions
  • Decrease in inflammation
  • Increase in telomerase: Enzyme that slows the aging process by lengthening telomeres
  • Slows down the atrophy of brain tissue associated with aging and preserves gray matter


You may define mindfulness simply as: paying attention to what is happening now. A few key principles include concentration, mindfulness of the body and senses, equanimity, and heartfulness. Mindfulness helps us develop our ability to sustain focused attention and concentrate for a period of time. We learn to cultivate present moment awareness as we go through our daily activities. Learn more about mindfulness in my blog post.

Heart-Brain Communication

Emerging research in the field of neurocardiology explores how the heart communicates with the brain and how the activity of the heart influences our emotions, intuition, and health. In simple terms, cultivating positive emotions such as gratitude and love can have a significant impact on how our brain functions. While in a meditative state, experiencing elevated emotions stimulates the heart and the brain to come into a coherent state of integration and balance.